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Experience Kinesiology Taping in London at Kinect Health and find out how it can help you

What is Kinesiology taping?

Kinesiology taping, sometimes called Kinesio tapping is a non-invasive form of tape which is applied for different therapeutic purposes. It has become extremely popular with armature and professional athletes, but it’s also very effective for treating general aches and pains.

How can Kinesio Tape help me?

Kinesiology Taping helps improve the body’s natural healing process whilst providing stimulation, strength and support to muscles, fascia and joints. When applied, the tape offers additional support and influences soft tissue and nerves.  This combination is what gives Kinesiology tape its innate pain relieving quality.

Kinesiology tape and sport

When used whilst participating in a sporting event, Kinesiology taping helps to enhance performance by boosting blood flow, providing support, increasing or decreasing stimulus to muscles and fascia. In addition, it also helps rehabilitate painful conditions such as runner’s knee, plantar fasciitis, shoulder impingement and shin splints.

Kinesiology typing on patient

Some of the techniques we use


Active Release Techniques®

Kinesiology Taping


IASTM / Graston Technique®

Functional Movement Screen


Footwork PRO


Anatomy in Motion




Medical Acupuncture

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